I knew Derek for over 40 years, ever since he resided at my Godmother’s house in Islington. She helped and supported him in so many ways, as she did for many people. After her death he kept a picture of her on his mantle piece in Holloway and used to play ‘Wind Beneath My Wings’ in her honour.
Juanita, we have met and I’m so sorry for your loss. As you wrote, he did so much work; I remember him being particularly proud of Connie and The Famous Five.
Niki, he talked of you often and always fondly.
I have many friends today whom Derek introduced me to, but my most treasured introduction was to the restaurant Joe Allen, I think in 1980, where I’m still a patron. We spent hundreds of hours on table 56 in the original Exeter Street site, usually the last to leave, in the early hours, as the staff were cleaning up around us.