Paul Byram

Derek was the only Casting Director to attend my agency launch party more than 11-years ago at Sarasto’s restaurant in Covent Garden, he always did enjoy good food and wine :-). I saw Derek again some weeks later at PJ’s Bar & Grill and he really showed an interest in my agency, applauded my “tenacity” and from that moment on he introduced me to other Casting Directors and established agents. In short Derek provided knowledge, encouragement and friendship. We didn’t always agree on everything, far from it, and there could be some rigorous debates (I’m being polite), however, he was a true and loyal friend who provided support when it was most needed. Derek didn’t call my clients in every time, far from it, however, I knew that if I felt strongly about a client he would always give them a chance. Derek provided the first TV opportunity for many of my clients, some of whom have gone on to bigger and better things. My clients enjoyed reading for him because he “gave something back” and was always encouraging. I will miss the long chats we often had over the phone late at night about all manner of things from ex-prime ministers to the latest BAFTA nominations. Sleep well Derek, you are and will continue to be missed, rest assured your memory will live on in the countless actors to whom you gave their first job.